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Creating and sending production requests

Need some help with creating a production request? Look no further!

  1. Go to 'Settings' and select 'Production Module' to review and adjust your settings as needed. For more details, refer to the article Production Request Settings to explore the different settings. 
  2. Select the event at the Launchpad.
  3. Click on ‘Production’ on the left side menu.
  4. Click ‘Production requests’.
  5. Click the blue button that says Add production request’.
  6. You’ll start by providing ‘General’ information.
    1. Choose the category that applies to this vendor. You can use the categories, later on, to filter through your lists easily.
    2. What is the purpose of this vendor request? Select which sections you’d like to enable for this request.
      1. Production needs in bulk: This section enables the vendor to request accreditations in bulk.
      2. Crowd list for …: The dots will be replaced by the crowd types you’ve set up for this event. Using this option will let the vendor provide you with a list of persons that will attend the event.
      3. Accommodations: This section will give vendors the option to request accommodations.
  7. Click on ‘Continue’.
  8. Add or select the recipient(s) for this vendor request. Use the icons on the right of you’ve made a mistake. 
  9. Click on Continue’.
  10. Select the Days and areas that apply to this vendor(s). On which days will this vendor be present and/or are they allowed to request accreditation? Tick the boxes to select. The blue dot indicates a show day.
    If you’re working with areas, you can also select those here.
  11. Click on ‘Continue’.
  12. If you have checked the box for ‘Production needs in bulk’ you will now see an overview that sums up all accreditation items that are available for bulk requests. Select which items the recipient is allowed to request. It’s possible to just check the box, when you do this the limit for this item is non-existent. This means the recipient can request as many of these items as they want/need. If you want to set a limit per recipient, just fill in a maximum amount.
    Note: Are you missing an item on this list? Head on over to your accreditation settings to check if this item is available for bulk requests. If it’s not, you can easily change this by ticking that box. Head on back to your request and it will be available in the list now. 
  13. In the top right corner of the window, you'll see a dropdown menu labeled ‘Accreditation Template.’ Here, you can select a template for this production request. For more details, check out the article Accreditation Templates.
  14. Click ‘Continue’.
  15.  If you have checked the box for ‘Crowd list‘, you’ll now get an overview of that section of the request.
    Using the crowd lists mean that the recipient of the request will be able to provide you with a list of names. They will be the names of the people that will be present at the event on behalf of the company.
    The persons that attend will most likely need some accreditation. In this section, you will determine which items can be requested and at what limit.
  16. Crowd list
    If you have checked the box for ‘Crowd lists’ you will now see an overview that sums up all accreditation items available for the crowd list. Select which items the recipient is allowed to request. It’s possible to just check the box, when you do this the limit for this item is non-existent. If you want to set a limit, just fill in the max amount.
    Now you can select the segment that will be connected to this list. The people who will be added to this list will be in the segment you have selected.
    The last option for crowd lists is automatic approval. You can select if the list needs to be automatically approved.
  17. Everything set? Click ‘Continue’.
  18. Save template
    If you want to save all the above accreditation options & limits in a template, you can do that by clicking the blue button. By creating templates you can re-use the same accreditation settings later on, without filling in everything again! For example, if you want to assign the same accreditations and limits to multiple companies.
  19. Click ‘Continue‘.
  20. Sending options
    Now fill in the sender’s contact details and create the email, the recipient will receive. Click ‘Continue
  21. Options
    You can choose to set up a deadline for the entire production request. Or choose to set up a different deadline for each section.
    If you want to lock the request after the deadline, select the box at the bottom.
  22. Ready? Click ‘add production request’. You have now created a production request :)!