The company database is an automatically generated overview of all companies you've teamed up with for your event(s) and all locations you have used in your events.
Where do I find the company database?
- Log in to In2event.
- From the launchpad, click on 'Database' in the left side menu.
That's it!
How does it work?
Every company you add within an event will automatically be added to your account's database. This is convenient because this information is saved and ready to go for your next event. You don't need to figure out contact details again; everything you need is right there at your fingertips.
The single company overview
From the big database list, you can click on any company's name to open their single overview.
Over there you can find a lot of information. At the first tab, you'll see every event they'll be involved in in the future and the events they were part of in the past.
On the second tab, you'll see everyone who has been listed as a contact person for this company.
Finally, on the last tab, you'll see a list of every staff member who has been registered at In2event for this company.
Over in the Company Database, you can also find your location database. This is where all locations you use or have used for your events are saved.
You can click on a location for some extra details, via the action button you can edit the address or delete the location. Please note, if you delete them they will be deleted from all your events.
Add a location
- From your launchpad, go to 'Database'.
- Click on 'Locations'.
- Click on the blue button 'Add location'.
- Fill in the location details.
- Click 'Add location'.
This will add a location to your database and will make it easier for you to add it within a specific event.
Bulk actions
It's possible to delete multiple locations from your database at once. To do this use the multi-select button, next to the blue 'Add location' button.
Tick boxes will appear. You can now select all locations you want to delete. Select them and click the garbage icon on the top right.