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Introduction to In2event

Hey there! Welcome to In2event!

What is In2event?
In2event revolutionizes the way events are organized. It is an event management system that supports event professionals throughout the entire process. In2event can be used to organize music events, B2B events, sport events, conferences, and fairs, no matter the scale.
In2event is a web-based application that works in most web browsers. This means that you’ll be able to access your information anytime, anywhere. All information is kept safe for you in one central place. If you’re working together with colleagues you will all be working together, in real-time, in the same online space. This means everyone always has insight and an overview of what’s done and what still needs to happen.

Help Center
This Help Center is your guide. It will help you get started, but you can also fall back on it later. After finishing the β€˜Let’s get started!’ steps, you can always come back and re-read some articles or check out some more in-depth articles on specific subjects.

We’re excited to start, so let’s go!