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New to In2event? We understand it might feel a little overwhelming at first. Don’t worry! You’ll get the hang of it before you know it. We’ve made this terminology list for you with some important words and terms. These are used throughout the system and the Help Center.

To accredit means to give someone authorization for something or access to something.  Accreditation is what a person in the system is entitled to have or do. For example, an ‘All access’ wristband is awarded to someone from the organization on the day of the event. This has been entered into the system beforehand. This person has an ‘All access’ wristband as accreditation.

Accreditation category
A few examples of accreditation categories are ‘Wristbands’, ‘Machinery’ or ‘Catering’. The categories are necessary to add accreditation items.

Accreditation item
An accreditation item belongs to an accreditation category. For the category ‘Catering’ the items could, for instance, be ‘Breakfast’, ‘Lunch’, ‘Diner’, or ‘Night snack’.

Artist handling
This regards all information about your artists such as the line-up, stages, timetables, contacts, riders, infosheets, contracts, tickets, and the check-in during the event.

The briefing is the email that is sent out by In2event to the selected crowd. In this email, they’ll find a button to access all the information they need and their tickets.

Briefing template
The briefing template is what is added to the briefing and contains all the information and tickets. The briefing template is made in In2event with the template creator.

Build up
These are the days on which the event is being built.

Your crowd consists of all the non-paying visitors of your event; your crew, guests, press, and artists.

Crowd handling
This regards all information about your crew such as accreditation, contact information, crew list, crew briefings, tickets, and the check-in during the event.

Crowd lists
You can manage the crowds in two different ways; you can either enter individuals in the system or you can use crowd lists. Crowd lists are guest lists and crew lists.

We also make a distinction between an external crew list and an internal crew list. The external crew list can be sent to third parties for them to fill out, while the internal crew list can be used for your own organization.

Crowd tickets

With crowd tickets you make it possible for persons to collect their accreditation items with just that one ticket. You can choose to enable crowd tickets per person, per day or per person, for the entire event. Please note: Accreditation items for which a ticket visual is set will remain separate. 

Everybody that's registered and approved in In2event can receive a briefing with an e-ticket. This e-ticket is needed at the entrance of the event.

Event dashboard
This is the first screen a user gets to see when opening an event.

The itinerary is a detailed overview of an artist’s journey and activities.

The launchpad is where it all starts; the main page. This is where you can add and manage users, settings, crowdtypes, and events.

Production requests
By sending out production requests you ask them to supply you with crucial information such as crew lists, guest lists, accreditation, and accommodation needs.

A rider is a list of wishes and demands that an artist can supply. There are two sorts of riders; technical riders and hospitality riders.

RSVP options
It’s important to decide whether you want the crowd to confirm their presence or not. If you want them to do so, you can use the RSVP option. RSVP stands for répondez s’il vous plaît which is French for please respond. If the RSVP option is enabled, the approved crowd receives an invitation per email. They can accept or decline this invitation as they wish. Only the crowd that has accepted their invitation will receive an actual ticket.

Segments are a subdivision of the crowd types. For example, you can have a “Crew” crowd type and subdivide it into the “Catering”, “Security”, “Cashier” or “Traffic Controller” segments.
You can use this to send out specific briefings. A cashier does not necessarily need the same information as a security guard or a traffic controller. You can also them to filter on the segments in the reports.

Show days
Show days are the days on which the actual event takes place.

Tear down
These are the days on which the event is taken down.

Ticket visual
This is what the recipient gets to see when they download their ticket. It’s the image that’s on the ticket.