When you have created a list, there are several actions that are easy to execute. You can for instance easily resend, close, approve, or send a reminder. You can perform any action for one individual list or for multiple lists at the same time.
The following options apply to the crew lists, guest lists, production requests, and lists in other segments that you have created.
- Go to the ‘Lists‘ overview within the category you want to make changes.
- Tick the list(s) via the checkbox(es) on the right.
- At the bottom of the list, a bar will now pop up with the actions you can perform after you have checked.
- Select the desired action.
- Click on ‘Apply‘.
The possible actions
- With ‘Send again‘ the selected lists will be resent.
- With ‘Send reminder‘ you send out a reminder for this list(s). This reminder is sent to all recipients of the selected list(s).
- The option ‘Add remark‘ gives you a pop-up after clicking ‘Apply’. You can now add a public or private note to the selected list(s). Enter the note and click on ‘Place note‘.
- With ‘Approve‘ you can approve the selected list(s). ✅
- With ‘Close‘ you close the list(s) for the recipients. The list remains visible to the recipients and the accreditations remain. However, nothing can be changed anymore by the receivers.
- With ‘Unlock‘ you undo the option ‘Close’.
- ‘Revoke and delete‘ ensures that the list is no longer visible to the recipient and that all accreditations are withdrawn. The list will also be removed from the system. You can no longer use it yourself.